As a Bergen County divorce attorney, two of the most common questions clients ask me are "how long will my divorce take?" and “how much will my divorce cost?” The answer to both these questions lies very much in the control of you and your spouse. That’s because the approach you take in getting a divorce will greatly determine both the duration and cost of the process. A divorce can take anywhere from a couple of months to well over a year depending upon how quickly you and your spouse can reach an agreement on all of your issues, such as child support, parenting time and child custody, as well as spousal support, division of assets and maintaining your beneficiary status on your spouse’s life insurance policy.
At FYKG, we bring a depth of professional experience and personal insight to each family law matter. We are here to be your Bergen County divorce attorney and to provide assistance to those facing a difficult chapter in their lives.
If you are fortunate
enough to be able to settle the issues with your spouse in a civil manner, with
the assistance of your attorneys the divorce can proceed smoothly and can take
as little as two or three months. On the other hand, if you and your spouse are
at odds and each of you holds on to your positions, without compromise, your
divorce could drag on for considerably longer. In other words, the legal
process itself is the least of it. What causes delay is when people dig their
heels in and become intransigent. I’ve seen this happen most often when there
are major unresolved emotional issues between a couple and the divorce is
viewed as providing an opportunity to settle old emotional scores or get even
instead of focusing on the task of finding a basis for compromise that will
allow family members to move forward with their lives without acrimony.

At the other end of
the spectrum, the trend in New Jersey and in many other parts of the country
now is to encourage couples to undertake a Collaborative Divorce, in which both
spouses (and their lawyers) agree at the outset to work towards compromise
through negotiation and without recourse to litigation. There are
considerable advantages to this approach since it can potentially streamline
the process, and minimize both the time and expense necessary to reach a final
agreement. The option of working through a Collaborative Divorce very much
highlights just how much it is in the power of a couple to influence both the
time and cost entailed in the process of getting divorced.
So this is one of
those situations where the best way to respond to a question is with another
question. When a client asks “How long is my divorce going to take and how
much will it cost?” the most accurate answer is: it depends on how you and
your spouse intend to approach the challenge of resolving the outstanding
issues. Will this be a collaborative or contentious divorce, or is it likely to
fall somewhere in between? Once a Bergen County divorce attorney has a better idea of how much you anticipate
being able to work towards compromise with your spouse, then it becomes much
easier to provide realistic guidance on timing and expense.

For more information about our experienced Bergen County divorce attorney, call FYKG at (201) 791-4400.