Monday, November 4, 2019

Car Accident Lawyers in Bergen County NJ

Car Accident Lawyers

Are you looking for a Car Accident Attorney in Northern NJ? Feitlin, Youngman, Karas & Gerson have been Car Accident attorneys in Northern NJ for more than three decades.

You are driving your beautiful car down the road one morning, you obey all traffic rules – the speed limit, the traffic lights. You stop the car when you see the red sign, waiting for it to turn green as you enjoy the cool music on the radio and boom! You are rear-ended by a truck driver who was driving and texting. The airbag hits you in the face, other things happen you can't remember because it is all too sudden, all you feel is pain and the thought comes "Oh someone has to pay…"
That’s where we come in, at FYKG we have Expert lawyers who specialize in car accident cases. When you become our client, we make it a prerogative to protects your economic and physical interest using every legal means. We make it our business to make sure your rights are enforced by holding every party accountable i.e. The driver or the insurance company.

When a car accident occurs, a lot of questions arises that needs to be answered and facts that need to be established e.g.
  1. Whose fault was it?

  2. Who pays for the car damages?

  3. Do you have insurance and is there a reimbursement plan?

  4. Who pays the medical bill?

  5. How severe was the injury? Does damaged incur?

Why you should contact a car accident lawyer

When you get into a car accident, it is not just about the defaulting party. The insurance companies have a great part to play and the minute you initiate an insurance claim, the company has an army of lawyers evaluating your claim. Having a car accident lawyer at your disposal will save you a great deal of pain and worry while you focus on healing especially when there has been bodily harm.
Hiring a lawyer gives you an edge because you have the right expertise on your defense team. There is no chance of you accepting minimal settlements for major damages when you have a lawyer protecting your interest.

When to contact a car accident lawyer

  1. When you can’t seem to ascertain who bears the liability among parties

  2. When you don’t know how to evaluate your claim

  3. When you are asked by tender medical records before the accident to the adjuster

  4. When you are made an offer that you think is unfair and could worth more

  5. When you are being offered a structured settlement instead of a lump sum payment

  6. When you cannot negotiate your settlement.
Sometimes, car accidents are not as severe as this to require such an approach, but it doesn't hurt to have a car accident lawyer on speed dial. We aim to make sure you are duly compensated and justice is done. If you have been in a car accident and need help, FYKG to the rescue.
For more information on our car accident attorney in Northern NJ, call Feitlin, Youngman, Karas & Gerson, LLC at 201-791-4400

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